We are pleased to announce that Rimrock Corporation has been accredited by Microsoft to be a Tier-1 Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) Partner. This means we are authorized to provision and directly manage the Microsoft Cloud software used by our clients and can now bundle Microsoft Cloud products such as Office 365, CRM Online, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Azure, and Enterprise Mobility Suite with our own Dynamics GP and Dynamics CRM offerings.
How will our customers benefit from Rimrock’s new CSP status? We can now help them budget, optimize and administrate all of their Microsoft Cloud software. Clients can obtain higher levels of user security, optimized license rates & plans, and simplified administration through consolidated billing. Using Rimrock as their Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider will give them a single support contact and the ability to leverage an integrated cloud technology stack.
To learn more about how the Microsoft Cloud can best benefit your organization, please contact us here to speak to an expert.