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How to Save Time Using the Excel Copy/Paste Function in Dynamics GP

One of the time saving features that was added to GP in version 2013 R2 is the ability to copy from excel and paste in the Dynamics GP General Journal screen. This feature is very beneficial if you still use spreadsheets for cost reallocation, or if you integrate long journals from another system.

1.     Create a 4-column spreadsheet with the following exact headings:

2.     Open the General Journal Screen Financial>> Transactions >>General

3.     Copy the data from the excel sheet; do not copy the headers otherwise you will receive an error when you paste the journal entries into the Financial Transaction Entry window.

4.     Next, go to the General Journal Entry screen and put the cursor at the first line.

5.     Click on the excel icon at the top banner. All the data copied from excel will populate the General Journal screen.

6.     Now you can either enter the reference, post or save the Journal to a batch as necessary.

Additional notes: If you get a “Not Privileged” to run this report notification, go to security tasks and mark off the ‘GL Transaction Past Validation Report’.

Using Microsoft Dynamics GP and Excel are a powerful combination for any finance team. If you would like more Dynamics GP tips and tricks, contact Rimrock Corporation today.


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