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Copy/Paste Your Excel Entry into Dynamics GP

We have a GP Life Hack to report!

We know that Excel is the easiest place to track and create Journal Entries. That’s why Microsoft Dynamics GP actually lets you copy/paste your Excel entry directly into GP.

You need a 4-column spreadsheet including: Distribution Reference (Line Item Description), the GL Account Number, Debit Amount and Credit Amount. You can also include a fifth column for Analytical Account Alias, if using AA.

Steps: 1. Copy all rows of the entry (don’t include the header row or the blank rows beneath the data) 2. Open a new JE window 3. Move your cursor into the Transaction Entry window 4. Hit the Excel Paste button

Just to note, when pasting into the transaction entry window, the accounts are validated, so if any errors exist, you will get a report showing which accounts they pertain to.

Tip: Attach the Excel file to the JE so you can reference it any time.

Now you can relax and enjoy the time you saved by not keying to grab a cappuccino!

Rimrock consultants are always available to help you out and answer any questions you may have. Please contact us and let us show you how to save time and take advantage of all the amazing functions Dynamics GP has to offer.


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