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Why Upgrading to Dynamics GP 2018 is the Smart Move

In our previous newsletter, we mentioned 5 new features in Dynamics GP 2018 that our consulting team are most excited about. Now we’d like to shine some light on specific reasons why upgrading to Dynamics GP 2018 is the smart move both functionally and strategically.

1. Dynamics GP 2018 has a Consistent User Experience That’s Always Improving

  1. Long-time GP users know that GP’s interface has looked very similar for quite a while. While this can be interpreted in several ways, the real reason is that GP offers a user experience that simply works. A consistent user experience lends itself to stability and repeatability when it comes to data processing, report generation, and user training.

  2. GP 2018, however, proves that the solution is not simply standing still and the introduction of new features proves that. As a result, GP offers the best of both worlds; a solution that is consistent and reliable but one that is adapting to the contemporary needs of its user base.

  3. One of the most significant steps forward has been in Workflow functionality. GP 2018 now features a suite of Workflows that can be implemented in almost all modules including Financial, Sales, Purchasing, and Payroll. There is no additional software cost associated with taking advantage of this feature or most of the additional new features, so upgrading to GP 2018 is an opportunity to maximize your use of GP.

2. Dynamics GP 2018 is Cloud Friendly

  1. While GP has been, and still is, a solution based on the traditional on-premises deployment model, it can also be seamlessly deployed in the Cloud or on a Hosted environment.

  2. Rimrock is a Microsoft Cloud Services Provider (CSP), so we have the in-house expertise to migrate your GP deployment to the Cloud and complete the upgrade at the same time. Moving to the Cloud not only reduces ongoing costs around IT infrastructure, it also contributes to lower risk around maintenance and lends itself more easily to multi-platform solutions such as Business Intelligence.

  3. GP 2018 also features a full web client that is compatible with most 3rd party solutions (ISVs) which further reduces the infrastructure footprint of the solution. While Cloud Computing is gaining traction in all walks of life, Rimrock understands that there are a lot of questions out there around how our clients can take advantage of the Cloud so don’t hesitate to reach out to us to determine how the Cloud can work for you.

3. Dynamics GP 2018 Can Be Tailored to Fit Your Specific Requirements

  1. One of GP’s strong points has always been its flexibility. This flexibility comes in the form of both being able to easily develop custom integrations / windows to work with or within the solution, as well as its compatibility with various 3rd Party Solutions designed by Microsoft Certified Independent Software Vendors. As a result, GP is a highly flexible and scalable solution that fits your specific business requirements while also being upgradeable. Rimrock is truly your partner when it comes to designing a GP solution that fits your unique and ever changing requirements.

Of course, there are many other reasons why upgrading to Dynamics GP 2018 is the smart move. Please contact us to discuss the specific drivers that apply to you.


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